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Introduction to Technical Writing (Tracy)

This guide will aid in using library resources to complete the researched argument assignment for Introduction to Technical Writing.


Welcome to the introduction to Technical Writing LibGuide.  This guide will help aid in completing the Researched Argument Assignment with links to library resources, citation tools, and tips for evaluating online resources.

Getting Started: Useful Databases

Opposing viewpoints is a database full of brief arguments taking various positions on controversial topics. You may find it useful as you construct your own arguments and counterarguments. 

Academic Search Complete is another good resource for finding information on a variety of topics. This database contains information from scholarly/peer-reviewed journals, as well as information from select newspapers, magazines, and other popular resources.  While opposing viewpoints is a great way to get started with your research, Academic Search Complete can help you find additional information to support your argument. 

Approach to Research:

Find and read at least three articles that deepen your understanding of the topic and incorporate this information in your argument paper.


Browse the Academic Journal Articles listed on Opposing Viewpoints for your topic.

For example (from the Opposing Viewpoints topic on Plagiarism):

Challenges in Addressing Plagiarism in Education


Use library databases to find more articles not cited by your Opposing Viewpoints entry.

Academic Search Complete