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WRITING 121 Buckley

This guide contains information to help you succeed in Writing 121.

Recommended Databases: Point - Counterpoint


Opposing Viewpoints

Opposing Viewpoints is a database containing full text review articles on controversial issues. The information is not all peer-reviewed, but use the advanced search feature to limit searches to peer-reviewed articles. 

Search for topics using the search box or use the "browse topics" feature to find inspiration. 

A notable feature is found at the bottom left of the database homepage.

Activity: Go to the bottom of the homepage and click on "topic finder." Search your topic. A sample topic is solitary confinement. You will see a graphic divided into categories. Click on the categories that are relevant to you to find articles, podcasts, etc. 

This is how the graphic is developed according to the opposing viewpoints homepage, " This tool takes the titles, subjects, and approximately the first 100 words from a subset of your top results and feeds them into an algorithm. Keywords shown in the graphics are those found most often in the text with your search term."

Points of View Reference Center

The Points of View Reference Center is very similar to Opposing Viewpoints, but it contains different articles. Try the same search in both databases. Note the "peer review" button below the main search box.