You will not be able to access the full text of articles from every database. If you find an article and are not able access the full text there are options you can pursue to acquire the full text.
Option One
1. Copy the journal title which contains the article you are searching for.
2. Open the library's site in another window.
3. Open the link "Journal Name List"
4. Paste the journal title into the search box with in the E Journal Portal.
5. If the library owns the journal you are looking for you will be given a record which states if the library owns an electronic or physical copy of the journal. If the library owns an electronic version-follow the links to the appropriate database. Physical copies of journals can be found on the first floor of the Montana Tech Library
Option Two
1. If the library does not own the journal you are looking for, you can put a resquest in to InterLibrary Loan to receive a copy of the article you are looking for.
2. The following is a link to ILL through the Montana Tech Library's website. If you already have an account sign into ILL and make your request. If you do not already have an account follow the link for "First Time Users" and create your account so you can then begin creating ILL requests.