Types of graphics:
APA style recommends that you create a citation for any graphic that you reproduce in your assignment. If you draw from or refer to information from a graphic, but you don't physically reproduce the graphic in your assignment, you would cite the parent source of the graphic. In other words, you would cite the article or a report that contains the graphic.
Click on the other tabs in this page to learn how to create references and in-text citations for tables, figures, and parent sources.
Online Journal Article, including articles found in databases
Database Industry Profiles
*If you don't see an author listed, look for a source, Often, the author is a company.
Annual Report
*Often, the author and the publisher are both the name of the company.
A table displays data in rows and columns that are populated with numbers and/or letters.
Reference List Format:
*The author may be a person, company, government agency, or other organization.
A figures is any graphical display of data or information that is not a table. Figures may be graphs, charts, drawings, maps, plots, photos, etc.
Reference Format:
*If there isn't a title for the figure, create a short description of the figure.
*Figure Type is a term that best described the figure. Examples of figure types are Photograph, Graph, and Map.
Examples of in-text references to tables and figures that you included in your paper:
In-text references to information found in tables and figures that are included in parent sources, but aren't reproduced in your paper:
(author last name, date)