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Intro to Psychology (Risser)

Advanced Search

In the previous example about workplace depression, I searched work depressive episodes and received the correct result. However, that search could have been done even more efficiently. I assumed that because the term depressive is rather uncommon, and I've almost exclusively seen it paired with the word episode, I assumed that an item with both of these words would put them together. I could make certain of this, and increase the overall accuracy of my results by searching  work "depressive episodes"because grouping two words in quotation marks tells the search engine I am only interested in those words if they appear together in that order. Now if I had any initial results about television episodes featuring depressive events, they would be removed from my refined results, and finding the correct item would be that much more likely.  

You can also specify what you mean with your terms by using the Advanced Searchoption in most databases. You can tell the search engine that you're only interested in the word Park if it is listed as being an author's name, rather than a recreational area. Getting to know the Advanced Search function will make extremely specific searches possible, though the drawback is that this will sometimes lead the search to accidentally exclude relevant items if your search becomes too specific or is at all flawed. It's generally better to begin broadly and refine your search to become more specific in steps, to make sure you will find the correct item.